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Manchester EPC

How to Improve EPC Rating

Within the boundaries of the UK, every rental property is required to possess an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC). This invaluable document unveils the property's energy consumption, estimated energy expenses, and expert suggestions on curtailing both. Furthermore, an EPC bestows an energy-efficiency rating upon your property, ranging from the pinnacle of efficiency marked as A, to the nadir of inefficiency denoted as G. 

Embarking on this illuminating guide, we shall illuminate the profound significance of EPC ratings, elucidate effective methodologies for elevating them, and satiate the inquisitive minds of landlords by addressing frequently raised inquiries concerning this subject matter.

Benefits of enhancing your EPC rating

Enhancing your rental property's EPC rating holds unique significance for multiple reasons. Primarily, it is imperative to abide by the law, as it is illegal to lease a property that falls short of the mandatory minimum E rating.

Moreover, an improved EPC rating can entice environmentally conscious tenants, thus potentially augmenting your property's desirability and value. Furthermore, it equips you with readiness for forthcoming governmental amendments, proposing a minimum EPC rating of C for new rental home tenancies in 2025 and for all tenancies in 2028.

7 ways to improve your EPC rating

Enhance the lighting by embracing the brilliance of LED light bulbs. If your EPC rating hovers on the cusp and a small push is all it needs to ascend a level or two, the adoption of LED light bulbs can be the transformative solution.

A simple method to amplify energy efficiency entails the substitution of outdated halogen or incandescent light bulbs with the revolutionary light-emitting diodes (LEDs).

LEDs have garnered immense popularity in recent times owing to their remarkable efficiency and long-term cost savings on energy consumption. Moreover, they offer a swift and cost-effective means for elevating the EPC rating of your rental property.

Upgrading the insulation is a highly effective method to improve energy efficiency, especially if the current insulation is inadequate. Not only is it a popular choice among cost-conscious landlords seeking to enhance their property's Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating, but it is also a relatively affordable option compared to alternative improvements.

By increasing the loft insulation to a thickness of at least 270mm, you can significantly reduce heat loss. In an uninsulated property, the roof alone can account for up to 33% of heat loss.

Improving the energy rating of your property is also achievable through wall insulation. This applies to both cavity walls commonly found in modern properties, where there is a gap between two layers of brick, and solid walls typically seen in older properties built before 1920.

Consider investing in double or triple-glazed windows to enhance your property's energy efficiency. Neglecting the windows while focusing on advanced heating and insulation technologies is counterproductive. Although double glazing may not have as significant an impact on the EPC rating as wall or loft insulation, it substantially reduces heat loss through the windows.

While most modern homes already have double glazing, older properties often lack this feature, bringing them closer to or below the minimum energy efficiency rating. By installing new double glazing, you can potentially improve your property's EPC rating by around five to ten points. The cost is relatively affordable, typically ranging from £2,000 to £5,000 for a typical terraced property.

Heating systems play a vital role in maximizing a property's energy efficiency. A poorly performing boiler can negatively impact the EPC rating of a property, while an efficient and upgraded model has the potential to make a significant improvement. By transitioning to a modern condensing boiler, especially if your current boiler is outdated, you could potentially increase your EPC rating by up to 40 points.

This modification has the advantage of swiftly bringing your rating up to the required standard, which stands at a minimum of 39 points. Although the cost is estimated to range between £1,000 and £3,000, the potential for substantial improvement resulting from this upgrade could ultimately yield a significant return on investment.

Enhancing the energy performance of your property can be achieved by opting for the installation of underfloor heating, provided that your property possesses adequate insulation. Underfloor heating systems function at lower temperatures, resulting in reduced energy consumption, as long as your property effectively retains heat.

By utilizing underfloor heating as a primary heating source or in conjunction with a central heating or radiator system, you have the potential to greatly enhance the energy efficiency of your property. This is particularly true for water-based underfloor heating systems, which are more cost-effective in the long run compared to electric systems, albeit more challenging to install.

Obtaining a smart meter not only enhances your knowledge of your property's energy consumption but also provides valuable guidance for achieving an improved EPC rating.

By installing a smart meter, you gain a comprehensive understanding of the necessary modifications required to enhance energy efficiency. Furthermore, it enables you to accurately measure the impact of these adjustments on your property's energy performance. Consequently, incorporating a smart meter into your strategy is highly likely to lead to a more successful enhancement of your EPC rating.

Consider investing in renewable energy for a truly distinctive solution to enhance your property's EPC rating in the long run. Solar photovoltaic (PV) panels or ground-source heat pumps are excellent choices from the realm of renewable energy sources.

Although these modifications may involve higher upfront costs, you can avail yourself of government incentives like the Green Deal to assist in managing these expenses. Embracing renewable energy not only holds the promise of substantially reducing your property's ongoing energy consumption but also enables substantial savings on energy bills.

See Also: EPC Regulations For Commercial Property